Cross-current Vlaanderen

Ichtus wants to help graduates and working people shape Christ's reign in their fields and workplaces, which is why we are starting Cross-Current Flanders.

Cross-Current is a mentoring group for young Christians who are at the beginning of their careers. Cross-Current helps them to connect their faith to their work life. Our goal is to have them be ambassadors of Christ in the workplace, in their field and in society.

The group of about 15 people meets twice a year over a three-year period. Between the annual meetings, they receive support from a mentor. Each time the group meets there will be room for group discussion, Bible study, case studies, formative cultural city visits, study of one's own context and time for relaxation and good food. 15 mensen meets twice a year over a three-year period. drie jaar. Tussen de jaarlijkse ontmoetingen door ontvangen ze steun van een mentor. Elke keer dat de groep samen komt zal er ruimte zijn voor groepsgesprek, Bijbelstudie, case studies, vormende culturele stadsbezoeken, bestudering van de eigen context en tijd voor ontspanning en goed eten.

Each weekend focuses on a specific element of the relationship between work life and the Christian lifestyle

Weekend 1 The Bible and work - Serving in a world of competition

Weekend 2 Relationships at work - A blessing or a curse?

Weekend 3 Lies at work and the impossibility of truth

Weekend 4 Integrity, justice and corruption - is there hope for us?

Weekend 5 Making good money and giving it away even better!

Weekend 6 Success, failure and ambition - the need for humility

Cross-Current is organised by Ichtus Flanders ism, IFES GraduateImpact and the Schuman Centre.

More information

You can sign up here.